Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

To provide you information and customer service offers that are more likely to interest you, we could ask you for some personal information about yourself and your interests. Of course, you voluntarily participate. Although we hope you'll want to take advantage of these special offers and opportunities, we respect our clients' privacy.
Copyright and additional intellectual property laws safeguard all information displayed, exchanged, or moved on SPH Data.
This site is designed, updated, and maintained independently by SPH Data.
The material belongs to SPH Data. No part of the content may be modified, published, communicated, transferred, sold, duplicated, or used in any way to create derivative works, distributed, reposted, executed, displayed, or exploited.
SPH Data disclaims any expressed and implied promises and conditions (including, without limitation, implied warranties or data and context conditions). We regard ourselves as having exclusive authority over the courts.
In the event that a computer virus, bug, or other technical problem compromises the security or proper administration of the service, SPH Data retains the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend or terminate the service at any time.
SPH Data respects the connected data's privacy. We never use or disclose information you may give us, such as your name, address, email address, or phone number, to outside parties. We also don't utilize any information about the specific visits you make to our website.
SPH Data reserves the right at any moment to refuse service
SPH Data will not use your information without your consent and will give you the tools to manage and control the information you submit. We'll let you communicate and respond appropriately to any privacy concerns.
SPH Data shall not divulge to advertisers or other marketing and promotional entities any personal information that could be used to identify you, such as your password, bank account number, credit card number, or database.

It is your choice to participate

We hope you will decide to customize your visit to the SPH Data website and benefit from the information and exclusive deals with registration. Please email us at if you would prefer not to interact if you think the information we have about you needs to be corrected, or if you would like to change the information we have about you (for example, if you are moving).

Information we collect

In order to learn more about your interests and those of your company, as well as to contact you and/or your company in the future (for example, regarding exclusive offers), we may ask you for personal information (such as your name, address, email address, or other data) if you decide to register on our website. A cookie is a program that allows a website to adapt to the user's preferences. It does this by placing a small file on your computer's hard drive, tracking your user behavior, and storing information about it. For example, cookies can make it so you don't have to enter your user name again each time you visit a page. If you have a record on the SPH Data website, this information can be uniquely identified with you. Most web browsers include features that allow you to know when a cookie is delivered and to choose not to accept cookies if you would rather not allow us to use them to tailor your experience. If you do not know whether your program has this capability, you should get in touch with your Internet service provider or the software maker.
We also obtain certain data about the visits to our website by employees and non-members in order to enhance our website and react to the interests of our clients. For example, we may collect the domain name from which you access the Internet as well as other information. If you are not a registered user on the website of SPH Data, you are not personally recognized with this data. If you are a registered user, the use of cookies will identify this data.

How we collect the information

We want to use the information we collect about updates, offers, and promotions that are made available to our clients and employees. If you're interested, we can notify you via email or by updating your custom screen about special offers on the products and services of our members. On occasion, we may also gather aggregate data—that is, data that does not specifically identify any client or member for SPH Data internal use or to share with advertisers or other third parties to help them learn more about our company and the general public. We reserve the right to change our policy regarding the use of your personal information because we are always working to provide our customers and website users with more features and services. If we make any changes to our policies, we will notify you via this website and offer you the option to "opt out" of such changes.

When you leave the website of SPH Data

If you decide to visit other websites on the Internet, the owners of other sites can have different policies about privacy and how they gather information. As you browse the Internet, we advise you to pay attention to the privacy policies of the various websites you visit. We cannot guarantee that any website that is accessible through a link from our website secures your personal information, nor can we be held accountable for the practices of other websites.

Contact Us

You can contact us at if you want to alter or extract any of your private data.

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